Learning Objective 5 and 6:

In this section I will explain my MLA guidelines that I used and how I progressed and improved on this task.

Framing Statement:

In all of my classes the most used format is MLA. We mostly used MLA for ENG 110 as well, except for our first essay where we used APA for our in-text citations. We were each handed a piece of paper that had all of the necessary material, to provide us with a guideline in using many different citations. This was obviously very helpful since I wasn’t very good at citing in the beginning. I had a lot of trouble with this when I first came to college in general because it wasn’t practiced that much in high school. As I continued using citations in my essays, I eventually learned the correct way to do it.

As for word cited specifically, I struggled in this department the most. I would always have to ask around for help on how to do it, and I ended up doing all of my citations by hand. Then a friend introduced easy bib to me. I knew of the cite and used it a couple time in middle school but forgot all about it until just recently. Now I understand how to cite and its much easier for me to cite quickly and properly.