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I believe that metaphors can most definitely be designed. Especially when you are intentionally trying to create an understanding of what you are relating to.  I believe people create metaphors so people can have a deeper understanding, or another outlook on what they are focusing on. In order to accomplish this, metaphors are most of the time designed.

I agree with one of his statements explain how we accept metaphors easier when they are familiar. When you are comparing two different things it is more likely you will understand the metaphor if you know the background between the two comparisons. He uses the metaphors “love is a tree” and “a child is a machine”. We all have experienced love whether its with your relatives, friends, or relationships. We compare these feeling because we know that we need nurture and care to support a tree. Therefore, it is relatively easy to understand the similarities between these two. I personally don’t understand the similarities between a child and a machine because when I think of a child I think of a small, fragile, kid. That is not at all related to a big, hard working machine. I don’t understand the relation because I don’t understand the background that the person was suggesting. Maybe if it was a more general comparison, I as well as other people might have had a better understanding towards it.

This sort of relates to the concept of furniture in metaphors. When it says “the best metaphor needs no furniture” I agree that “love is a tree” doesn’t need as much furniture because it is pretty self-explanatory and most people will understand it immediately after seeing it.


1 Comment

  1. elishaemerson

    I think you are in good company re: the child equals machine metaphor. Consider revisiting that moment in the text, and you may find that this metaphor falls flat with a lot of people.

    As you upload future images, check out this tutorial: https://uneportfolio.org/adding-pictures-to-eportfolio/. When you take these steps, I’m better able to enlarge your work. Continue to work on expanding those marginal comments. You are on the right track.

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